As I am standing behind my front desk watching the weather forcast from the breakfast room I can see it is going to be a cold day, as well as week -_-. Not what I needed to hear!
But on a brighter note I feel a lot less tense, yesterday I found out I would be able to get my license reinbursed... but of course a fee would apply ( SMH, I told you the world we live in is about nothing but money.) It would cost $1,075, and I would get a hardship license on May 4th, under the condition that my driving classes are completed, I get letters from my job and I pay a $500 reinstatement fee... At first I questioned myself is it worth it... Not realizing that no matter what I do, I would have to pay, and take the classes anyways in order to get my driving privilleges back I would just have until December to do it, when I would be eligible to get a real license. So the question is do I hustle and pay so I can be back on the road... or do I go a whole summer, fall, as well as some of winter without a license, depending on people to cart Miss Ashley around and be totally and completely miserable?... UM HELLO! looks like I will be on a tight budget until May because I need my life back.
After getting older, and seeing that life is not all peaches and cream I have realized sometimes you have to make sacrafices in order to get what you want. It's about being an adult and doing what you have to do, some fail to realize that and that is why they continue to exist the way they do, living paycheck to paycheck.. broke in order to keep up with the Jones' Thats's not how you do it... in my case I want to go without for a little bit so I can SAVE SAVE SAVE, and define the Jones' :)
It's better to aspire for greatness, and achieve, then dream big and settle for less.- Ashley que
p.s About that date... yah, it never happened Nile's Longe with the girls to smoke some Hookah sounded way more appealing than watching this dude eat and talk about the stock market, money, and cars (#rollseyes)
TIME TO GET ON THE BALL, and make it happen (until tomorrow!)
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