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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 16.

I have realized that I am a very determined individual, and whenever I put my mind to things... they get done.
So, that leads me to believe that everything I aspire to be, have, possess! I will.

What a great day it has been, waking up .... let's leave it at that.
It was very ugly out today with it being March 31, 2011 and us experiencing a snow storm, like what the heck mother nature cut us a break.

It is a okay though because I am counting down the days until I am in Mexico on the beach sippin something lovely. :)

Today I also learned to value myself a lot more than ever, I never really understood the saying "your body is a temple until now". So with that said Thank You god

And hopefully there will be more excitement tomorrow.

p.s my booty challenge is going excellent I know im probably exaggerating as usual but I think it is def. growing ( doing the dougie) AYYYEEE go ash.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 15.

So apparently day 15 never happened. I just went on and on about how crazy people are, #sillyrabbittricksareforkids, frankie code 10 man down.... well you have no clue what I am talking about because blogger never posted it.

So, Dear blogger, you suck

I am not writing all that stuff all over again, make a long story short
Ash Bash is awesome and loves herself more than any man, woman, transgender, or animalever could.

That's all folks

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 14.

This marks the two weeks today (since the beginning of the 30 :) and sorry I forgot to blog yesterday... it was not the greatest day.

So I guess it began when I forgot my phone going to school, thinking all my contacts to the world would be broken BOY was I wrong!!

LMAO when I got home I was greeted my a text from my sister saying, "I need some new kicks sissy any ideas" Thinking this cannot be the only person who thought of me today I thought maybe my phone was broken
Soon realizing no she was actually the only person who decided to shoot my a text all day I was beyond upset, but hey maybe that was a good thing

I soon did what I do best popped open a bottle and began to wonder what the hell my life is coming to... AWESOME progress huh?... two weeks into my moth challenge and I am stilld ealing with bullshit like this. Let's hope tomorro is better!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 13.

Good Morning, and what a morning it has been.
Considering I just left work at 11pm and I am right back here at 7 am I am not too happy, but I guess its money so what am I complaining about?!?

I have been cussed out left and right this morning at no fault of my own, but I gues those are the perks of working in hospitality huh? :)
I did not go out at all this weekend... shocking!!! Maybe it's because I was working my life away lol but that has never stopped me before so IDK what it was. Maybe I am really slowing down, anyways I am seriously battling my conscious right now not to order any clothing off but I know this is one battle I will not be victorious. I honestly feel as if I need these 3 dresses and black pumps!
Matter of fact I deserve them! although I have bills up to my neck, I am actually making efforts to pay them so I think I can splurge a little... no?

With Mr. J being back in town, hopefully he will act right... remember the guy who's cousin got shot and I cussed him out for not calling, well he went on a new vaca and claimed when he gets back it will be 100% about us... PSHHH considering I have conditioned myself not to believe senseless words  but go solely off actions we will see

Keep you posted
Loving yourself... will conquer all other pain, including pain you thought would never go away.
It feels so good to finally wake up in the morning without you on my mind, all day everyday I would feel like crying not only for the pain you have caused me but also I for you, and although it has taken some serious time I am beginning to heal. So thankyou Samuel for all the BULLSHIT! because after I get through this 100% I am going to be one hell of a woman.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 12.

What a day what a day, so this morning I needed to go get my hair done, don't ask me why?!? Like I could not take it, maybe it was the MTG stuff but anyways I went, got dropped off and of course had to take public transportation back... LIKE WHAT THE EFF? can you tell I am spoiled lol

Well anyways at least I got what I wanted then of course I had to come to work.... well it is not too bad tonight at least I am not getting cussed out :)

Today marks the Grand Opening of my cousin's new boutique in atlanta!! I am so excited for her, her success is truly giving my the fuel to move to Atlanta, I have been really thinking about it but now I am determined so I am going to continue to make this money see about transferring schools and do it, hopefully I will be able to look back next year and read this 30 day challenge excerpt from my apt. in Atlanta ( sighing) wouldn't that be nice!

Question of the day? How much more blunt do you have to be to someone when you say do not call me anymore... perhaps I need to learn a couple other languages just to get my point across.

Although I am trying to rid myself of negativity it is like the plague lol just don't want to go away... guess I am going to have to take more extreme measures ;)

p.s my Buffy the body workout is coming along awesome today my mother thought I had on Butt pads, I had to tell her uh uh giirrllll this is all natural ( talk about Miss New Booty huh?)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 11.

You know how they say at 11:11 your supposed to make a wish, well as the 11th day of my challenge I made a wish... can't tell you what it is but hope it comes true.

So, today I really did what I had to do, considering my legal woes I am not supposed to be driving so when I did not have a ride to class this morning and did not want to break any laws, what did I do?!?! Walked to the bus station and made use of public transportation ( Great Job Ashley) I know. I really sucked it up, and as I was walking, and talking on the phone my mother said you know Ashley I am very proud of you, because the old Ashley would have said, "well looks like I am not going to school today" and she was not lying. And I also had to take a cab to work. SMH BY FAR THE WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!
The cab I originally asked for was going to take 45 mins so I had to contact another service, which ended up having to send 3 cabs claiming each time they came and beeped no one came down which was completely false. So when one finally came the man was very rude, and the cab smelled as if there was a gas leak. Finally my couple minutes of hell was over and my total was $11.05 giving him a $20 and him only giving me $8.00 back I was sure to speak up letting him know he did not deserve that .95 tip and I would kindly give him a nickle for my dollar.

After that tourment was over I was soon met by more at work, I got cussed out lmaooooo something serious then hung up on. That's okay though because I prayed today and that gentleman better be happy or I could have very well lost my job

That's all.
Today also marked Day 1 of my total body transformation lol I will keep you posted. (buffy better watch out)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 10.

I woke up not wanting to get out of bed, as usual but soon enough I thought about how much I was in debt... so money called :)

The snow is def. putting a damper on my day ( blah blah) who cares... guess I will have to be the sunshine!

With a couple new ideas in mind I am putting things in overdrive...pretty vague huh... wondering what the hell I am talking about :)

Wait and see.

Till tomorrow

Oh yah this red is really making me feel like hottness. Blondes Do NOT have more fun. I beg your pardon